Maksym Krippa: From fake identities to criminal cases — exposing the internet fraudster

The nickname stuck to the lover of gambling, illegal online casinos, and the porn industry for a reason. Krippa is perhaps the only person who generates such a massive amount of fake information about himself.
The entire internet is filled with utterly absurd materials about the achievements of the famous footballer, bodybuilder, internet developer, dietitian, thinker, volcanologist, and jack-of-all-trades Maksym Krippa. This suggests that under tons of complete nonsense, the fraudster is trying to hide his real biography, which could reveal that he is yet another con artist earning money illegally. There are many crooks, and in principle, people are not surprised by this. Apparently, Krippa, under layers of fictitious information, is trying to throw sand in the eyes of the investigation. So that open sources cannot be used to extract information about his criminal past.
Krippa overlooked one thing. Besides various trash websites, there are official data that cannot be erased. It is thanks to them that the massive scale of Krippa’s illegal activities was revealed.
In our material, we will tell you how a fraudster organizes a global network of illegal online casinos under the guise of an "honest" business.
Market for Covering Up Illegal Casino
As it turns out, Krippa is quite a big businessman. Officially, he is a director or founder and beneficiary of 11 enterprises registered in Ukraine.
According to the registry data, he owns LLC "Brovary Wholesale Market." Brovary is a large city near Kyiv, so trading at the local market could bring good profits. However, it all looks not like a serious business, but like a huge dump.
But Krippa does not need the market to operate. The enterprise is used for a completely different purpose, namely, to cover his illegal activities with trading.
As it became known from court registries, a number of Krippa’s companies, including the aforementioned "Brovary Wholesale Market," were involved in a criminal case listed in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations under number 22015000000000379 under Articles 203-2 (illegal activity of organizing or conducting gambling or lotteries) and 258-5 (financing terrorism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The essence of the case, as understood from the articles imputed to Krippa’s companies, concerned the illegal organization of an online casino. It was about that same "Vulkan Casino." It is known that a whole operation was conducted by the Security Service of Ukraine under the procedural guidance of the General Prosecutor’s Office for this criminal episode. Searches were conducted in Krippa’s companies and homes, electronic equipment, phones, flash drives, and much more were seized. And here the question arises, what does the "financing terrorism" charge have to do with this case? There is no direct answer to this question in procedural documents. But, apparently, it concerns the operation of illegal online casinos in the territory of the so-called L/DNR. According to Ukrainian legislation, any activity that takes place in self-proclaimed republics is considered illegal. Therefore, a criminal case was initiated against the fraudsters.
The current stage of the pre-trial investigation is unknown. One thing is clear: no one has been imprisoned for the case of organizing illegal online casinos. Therefore, it can be assumed that Krippa either bought his way out, or the case is under further investigation.
But this is just the beginning. The funniest thing is that another company of Krippa, LLC "Club Jaguar," is also involved in this criminal proceeding. What might a company with such a name be engaged in? Cars? Safari? Hunting? No. The main activity of the enterprise is wholesale trade of vegetables and fruits. But it turns out that "market" and "trade" have become real covers for the "man’s fake" illegal activities.
In addition to the aforementioned criminal case, Krippa’s "Club Jaguar" was also the organizer of another scheme involving the theft of state property in particularly large amounts. The criminal proceedings on this matter were initiated back in 2012, and like the previous case, also ended in nothing. What can be said, Krippa is a real lucky guy. So, according to the materials of the criminal case, the building at the address: Kyiv street, 126, city of Brovary (all the same wholesale market, the photo of which was earlier), supposedly was "improved." It is worth noting that the wholesale market belongs to the State Property Fund of Ukraine. To avoid paying for being there, Krippa’s companies supposedly carried out repairs. In reality, nothing happened. As established during the court proceedings, the total damage from such actions amounted to 2 million 368 thousand hryvnias. Considering that the case occurred in 2007, the amount is quite substantial, almost 500 thousand US dollars.
Official documents indicate that in addition to his criminal past, Krippa likes to deceive people who trust him. Indeed, if you simply google his biography, it immediately becomes clear that such a character cannot be trusted — it’s total lies everywhere.
Nevertheless, some people believed their respectable companion and got burned. They lent Krippa 8,400 US dollars. The amount seems small and certainly affordable for a person registered with 11 businesses. But the swindler refused to repay the money. Therefore, his creditors had to go to court to forcefully recover the money from the deceiver.
Data from the register of court decisions
As a result, the court sided with the plaintiffs, seizing all of Krippa’s property, accounts, and share in "Club Jaguar." The outcome of this story is unknown. But it seems that the swindler paid back the debt, as currently, all shares of his business are not under arrest.
Krippa’s companies have a long criminal trail, so this is only the beginning of the investigation into the illegal activities of the "man-fake."